Enhancing by delivering projects that attract investment and talent, create a greener, cleaner and more attractive city centre, bringing visitors, employees and residents back into the heart of the city.
After a successful first term delivering initiatives that supported businesses and brought more vibrancy to the city centre, Bristol City Centre Business Improvement District (BID) is looking forward to the next 5 years after a successful ballot in September 2022. Where of the votes cast 79.4% of businesses ‘voted yes’, representing 91.4% of the rateable value. A total of 706 ballot papers were sent to eligible voters, 238 business voted representing a 33.7% turnout.
Businesses voted for new priorities and ambition through projects that enhance the city’s economy and its welcome. For strategies that connect and represent the city centre business community and for initiatives that shine a light on our city for tourism, education and investment. We continue to develop key partnerships that help improve safety for those working in, living in or visiting the city.
Promoting with a collaborative approach to delivering innovative campaigns, events, activations, and communications to support and promote Bristol city centre and its businesses. Celebrating everything that makes Bristol a special place to work, study and live.
Protecting by investing to reduce, challenge and raise awareness of crime and anti-social behaviour to protect city centre businesses, visitors and residents both day and night.
Supporting by acting as a single point of contact to represent levy payers, leverage investment, influence strategy and support the business community.