In addition to their core work, the team also stepped in to help water our Love Bristol planters around the city centre, as they were in need of some additional watering in this unseasonably dry month.
Cleansing - Enhancing
August Cleansing Report
August has been another busy month, with the city centre being well used over the summer school holidays.
BID Lead
August was another busy month for our cleansing team with people enjoying themselves and spending time in the city centre during summer school holidays.
We brought the sensational sensory experience Luminarium to Bristol for 11 days between 4-14 August as a free-to-visit immersive experience on College Green. The event was incredibly popular, and our team did a brilliant job of making sure the area was looking its best for the thousands of visitors.
There was again a notable number of graffiti tags across several hotspots with a total of 170 items of graffiti in over 111 different locations. The team are working very hard to remove unwanted graffiti promptly and efficiently, ensuring that levy payers building facades and windows next to street furniture and other locations are restored back to a clear state.
Help us reduce prolific graffiti by reporting criminal damage to the police via their online reporting system.