
New Green Wall Lands on Rupert Street

Enhancing the welcome and visual appeal of the city centre.


As we continue our work to enhance the welcome and visual appeal of the city centre, in September we installed a Green Wall on Rupert Street on the side of Collegiate Tower student accommodation block.

This project involved installing a steel trellis and building a planter on top of the existing flower bed. The carefully chosen plants will grow and develop over the winter and should provide colour all year round in contrast to what is currently a very grey and car-dominated environment.

The steel trellis was installed by leading Green Wall experts, Bristol-based MMA Systems, and the planting was undertaken by local gardener, Fiona Mackenzie.

We continue to seek other locations for greening and public art projects so please get in touch if you spot an interesting opportunity or would like to host a greening project near your businesses.

Project Manager, Tom Swithinbank

It’s been great to deliver another project in our series of greening initiatives in the city centre and we hope that this small change adds colour and habitat for nature in coming years. Like the Marlborough Hills Steps Makeover, this was another location identified by our 2019 Green Audit as an opportunity for the BID.


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