Cleansing - Enhancing

January Cleansing Report

January started the year off with a busy first month, with the team working hard to clean our streets clean.


BID Lead
Sabrina Shutter

Throughout January our brilliant cleansing team has worked tirelessly through the cold mornings, with temperatures often dropping below zero! The start of the year saw a focus on areas that had experienced higher footfall over New Years Eve celebrations in the city, with hotels and hospitality areas being increasingly busier. 

This month, the team responded to levy payer requests, removing an astounding 110 items of graffiti across 57 locations, whilst clearing an amazing 101 miles of pavement.

The team is working very hard to remove unwanted graffiti promptly and efficiently and you can help by reporting illegal graffiti to the police via their online reporting system.

Popular areas such as King Street and Park Row were deep cleaned, alongside the team’s usual cleaning routes of the Old City, Park Street, Harbourside and Queens Road.

We’d like to say a big thank you to the team for starting the year off with such hard work. They really do make Bristol a cleaner and more welcoming place for all to enjoy.

Don’t hesitate to contact us with any unwanted graffiti you need removing or any other cleansing issues you need support with.

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January Cleansing Report

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