Cleansing - Enhancing

June Cleansing Report

Read along to hear about what our city centre cleansing team got up to in June!


BID Lead
Sabrina Shutter

Sun sun sun, what a warm one June was! The past month has seen an amazing 78 items of graffiti removed from 38 locations, helping to deep clean Marlborough Hill Steps, St Stephens Church, Pitcher & Piano and Cosy Club. 196 miles of pavement left sparkling again, as Tom and Ashley worked tirelessly to keep outside areas clean and welcoming for all to enjoy.

The team have been hard at work, helping to respond to 14 levy payer requests this month, as a lack of rain had resulted in a build up of dirt in certain areas. Tom and Ashley also helped to clean outside of Bristol Cathedral and College Green ahead of The Party on the Green event in aid of Bristol’s 650 celebrations. As always, we’d like to say a big thank you to the team as their work and efforts do not go unnoticed!

From the 3-9 July Anti-Social Behaviour Week is taking place and we are encouraging everyone to help reduce criminal damage by reporting graffiti in the area. Please report any criminal damage to the police via their online reporting system. If you’d like to get in touch regarding a cleansing issue, please contact us directly, using the link below.



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